Rabbi Neil Amswych studied astrophysics at St. Andrew’s University in Scotland before training to become a Rabbi in London. He served the British community for nearly a decade before moving to Temple Beth Shalom in Santa Fe in 2014, where he soon also became the Co-President of the Interfaith Leadership Alliance of Santa Fe. To learn more about Temple Beth Shalom, click here.
Rev. Gail Marriner- Since her graduation from Harvard Divinity School in 1995, Rev. Gail has served UU congregations in Weymouth, Swampscott, and Cambridge, Massachusetts; Houston, Texas; Duluth, Minnesota and Santa Fe, New Mexico. Rev. Gail is the very active Past President of the Interfaith Leadership Alliance of Santa Fe where she facilitates the clergy book group and helps organize interfaith programs, panels and events. She is the Spiritual Liaison to the Human Rights Alliance-PRIDE Santa Fe. To learn more about UU Santa Fe, click here.
Rev. Tiffany Curtis is trained as a clinical chaplain and spiritual director, and has worked extensively as a community organizer and in prisons. She has ongoing commitments to grassroots community work in the U.S., Ecuador, and Honduras. Tiffany grew up in Los Angeles in a bilingual family and in an immigrant church. In addition to being the co-founder and Lead Organizer of the Santa Fe Faith Network for Immigrant Justice, Rev. Tiffany is also the pastor of First Christian Church of Santa Fe.
Rev. Talitha Arnold is Senior Minister of the United Church of Santa Fe, a United Church of Christ congregation known for its engaging worship, diverse music, community outreach, and lively approach to the Christian faith. A native of Arizona and a graduate of Pomona College and Yale Divinity School, she was Yale’s Associate University Chaplain and pastored congregations in Connecticut and Arizona. Past President of Santa Fe Habitat for Humanity and the Interfaith Leadership Alliance, she is a founding member of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention.
Rev. Dr. Harry W. Eberts III has been pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe since December 2011. Prior to Santa Fe he served congregations in Lyndhurst, Ohio (an eastern suburb of Cleveland) and Lake Forest, Illinois (a northern suburb of Chicago). Harry is a graduate of the College of Wooster in Ohio (BA), Yale Divinity School (Master of Divinity) and McCormick Seminary in Chicago (Doctor of Divinity). He is co-founder and co-president of New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence.
Rev. Jean Siegfried Darling was born into a skeptical, scientific, politically active Unitarian Universalist household, passed through careers in computer science and television production, and came to ministry late. She formed New Garden Community Church (UU) in Chicago, and then served Peoples Church of Chicago for about ten years before moving to the Santa Fe area with her husband Ken. She is active in UU Santa Fe co-chairing the Environmental Justice Team and leading the Occasional Choir.
Santa Fe Friends-The Santa Fe Friends Meeting was formally organized in 1948. We follow the “unprogrammed” style of worship. In our worship we try to keep an expectant attitude, waiting for the “still small voice” of God. The Quakers are actively involved, with Buddhists, in feeding the homeless of Santa Fe. Representatives to the ILA are fluid. To read more about Santa Fe Friends, click here.
Pastor Joene Herr-is a pastor at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church (CLC), in Santa Fe, part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Prior to New Mexico she spent her life in the Great Lakes states: Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. She is an alumnus of the University of Michigan, as is her husband. She is a second career pastor; prior to seminary (Trinity Lutheran, Columbus Ohio) she raised three children and supported her husband through his PhD studies as a clinical psychologist. In addition to serving as the ILA Secretary for 2020, she is on the Board of Directors for the Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe and a past board member of PFLAG.
Cantor Cindy Freedman has been serving HaMakom:The Place for Passionate and Progressive Judaism in Santa Fe, New Mexico since 2004. She received her cantorial ordination from ALEPH:Alliance for Jewish Renewal in 2014 and she has been a member of the Women Cantor’s Network since 2005. She is a professional singer, guitarist, life cycle officiant and chant leader who thoroughly engages people in the power of prayer through music and sound.
Don Handrick is a graduate of the Masters Program of Buddhist Studies, a seven-year study program administered by the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition and inspired by the traditional geshe studies at the great Gelugpa monastic universities. Since 2006, Don has been the resident teacher at Thubten Norbu Ling Buddhist Center in Santa Fe, NM, and he also teaches regularly at the Ksitigarbha Tibetan Buddhist Center in Taos, NM. In 2016, Donbegan spending part of each year visiting other FPMT centers as a touring teacher, spending up to six months traveling primarily to destinations in North America and Europe.